I am not a person of routines. If anyone has read any part of this blog they would know that. Well, not just anyone, one of 'blogging' status that knows the ins and outs of this medium.
The image for today depicts - floating over the open water-apropo!
It takes a person with an routine oriented mind and life to succeed in life . Yes, I said, life.Because, without any, how does anything get done.
Most things of any lasting meaningful value, take more than one step, or at least the thought before the step, or several thought processes, before the doing step that will be the lasting accomplishment of that thought. Final accomplishment of the thought?
Well, I am not a routinized person. If I was, I guess I would have succeeded in life more.
Somewhere, I got sidetracked. Like at birth, when I almost landed head first on the floor, coming out of my mother's womb.Yep, that would be the explanation!
Or, the fact that I am an ACOAC. Oh, how convenient that one is, how many peoples lives have been screwed up with that disease...a blog in itself. I am sure their out there, those bloggers. Maybe I'll check that out one of these days.
Yesterday, when I got home from my one day of work, (I love it, one day on and next day off-by surprise-a holiday/holyday) I immediately sat down at my friend here, and played for hours, and hours and hours, much to the dismay of my neglected husband. Who's not talking to me today, because I have neglected him so much in the past two weeks (in that department). But that's another story, in and of itself.
Anyway, I played here 'til the wee hours. I actually opened PSPXI and tried to do some layering 'stuff'.
Here we come back to the title of this blog. Not having a routine, and/or disliking routines, I still haven't learned this program. Have it 9mths now, and only crop and simple edits, can I do.
I have a pretty concise book on the subject "Complete Digital Photography" by Ben Long, and it sits in the bathroom and gets perused when I'm 'on the bowl', but that's about it. I guess I'm hoping it will go into my learning neurons by osmosis. Well, that is happening somewhat. I read something that I've read many times before or have seen reference to in other places, and some increased level of understanding is happening on some level, so, in defense, I guess that way is working. But let's face it this is a slowwww way,
Yep, without routine, in all areas of life, there is not success...........
Just a fact of life. The way we are wired, to learn, to progress, to succeed we humans need a routine to reach a/our goal!!
OK, girl, let's start (better late than never) a routine to learn this photo-editing stuff.
More to come.