the more I learn. Not over the hill yet.!
I bought a Nokia75, 2mpx cell phone, with unlimited internet access - and- more importantly, I am learning how to use it. (better than I'm learnin gthis typing thing)
I started a mobile blog!! Woopee!
I also started another photo site and the best start (or accomplishment worked on and succeeded) is finally having a site that I can upload my photos to the memes to with the link going back to the site - correctly. Correctly/fully being the operative word. I was linking to here and to Flickr. but I didn't know how to here without showing a megapixel image, and well I really wasn't interested in linking to Flickr.
Flickr. is self containing, with the many very active groups, and multiple contacts/friends and hopefully comments, it is a community unto itself.
I didn't feel the need to have a link to those images.
But Aminus3, well, this is a photoblog. The way the images are presented is the closest I have seen to having your own designed site.
So,. if you reading this, check it out ( I'm gonna try and do a link) here to my 'DigitalDiary'