I find learning somewhat frustrating, to say the least. I need, really need, to learn by doing with someone next to me, showing the way. But, with this editing, computer, new camera phone- all the new 'stuff' in my life, I really have no one to be present in the way I need.
So, I plug along, millimeter by millimeter, here and there, trying to get it!
This is one frustration, of many it seems...........
The other, which just occurred for the umpteenth time, is that of my 27 yr old son.
Living at home, (where else?) and doing and saying and being a frustratingly fine person, but but but..................
When he asks, which if often, for something I would rather not oblige, it turns into one of two things. A nonsensical argument, (I rarely 'win'), or put on hold for later, which he never forgets.. The thing is, he is usually right. I worry too much.
He is an artist, songwriter, and for employment a matron on a school bus. So he is off (by choice) in the summer. Home, driving me and my husband to distraction, if we let him.
Of course, the answer is, do not let him. But, there's the crux of the matter - frustration is part and parcel of my relationship with my dear son.
In the past year, our relationship has developed into one of mutual respect. That sounds like a falsehood, considering what precedes this, but (another but) it is true.
Newness - will be in the next post. Maybe someone out here in cyberland can help with all of this new 'stuff'. So lone for today.