Back again. I found the site quite by chance for the second time today.
Didn't even think of there being one. Shows how illiterete I am re: computer etc.
Another day to start, and find my way. Been thinking of entering a note here, daily, as the title says. Lazy one, am I. Or maybe just a little confused.
Anyway, I'm here now. And the darkness has seem to have lifted!! Alleluia!!
Helped my sister move on Sun. A New House. Finally, her home, Please God.
She and her son have been through soooo much in the last decade..
But then again, haven't we all, in our own way, to different degrees, with different responses.
How we respond to an event, depends on several factors. We perceive something in our own way, the only way we can. This is what determines how we respond to it, initially.
Having others to talk to helps us to gain perspective on an event (event here -being anything that affects our lives). We may feel pain and become defensive, or angry, secondary to feeling hurt.
Anger is never the initial emotion!! I learned this many years ago, (read it somewhere)
and knowing this little factoid help in many a situation.
Too learn to step back and look at someone, thing, event, with as much detachment as possible is the key to not getting sucked in and reacting!!
Well, enough of Fran's philosophy for now. Have a wonderful, glorious, sunny day.
Praise God and all His creation!!